Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lizard on a Leaf ~ Camera Critters

We have a lot of lizards here in Florida. They seem to be territorial, and hang out in the same area. So if you see one hanging around on a cactus pad you'll probably see him (or her) again on the same cactus.
He didn't seem to mind me taking his photo.

He actually remained still in each pose for quite awhile. While posting these I remembered another lizard photo that I had...

I took this at the Ringling Museum grounds. There are so many statues all over the grounds. I was entering a contest for a cosmetic company that we photographed their product in you part of the world...hence the lip balm in the lions mouth. Can you see the lizard? This must be his lion territory! I wonder where he sleeps at night!
Join in the fun and see more Camera Critters. That's where I'll be!


  1. Cool shots of the lizards! Cure shot of the lizzy on the lion statue!

  2. I don't much care for lizards and snakes but in Florida where my son lives, they are as common as a house fly.

  3. Nice shots. We have lizards here in Colorado too, although not that kind. I don't know how they make it through the -15 F temperatures we occasionally get in the winter.

  4. I love lizards, and that last shot made me laugh out loud! I love that the little lizard looks like it is posing, like "Look at me! It's MY photo op"

  5. Both lizards look like they are happy to pose for you. Love the lip balm in the lion's mouth. Four great photographs.

  6. I think the lizards look creepy! The shots you've captured are just perfect!!

    Pixellicious Photos

  7. In Singapore, I had a Jade green gecko looking at me while I was gardening. It was my pre blogging days, so no photos,


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