Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday Photo hunt - "unknown"

 I don't know why I just had to take a photo of this gate as I was sitting in a parking lot of the thrift shop. I think this would fit in the theme of this weeks Saturday Photo Hunt - Unknown.

It is unknown what is behind this door...a secret garden?

Be sure to check out more of the UNKNOWN here on Saturday Photo Hunt on Facebook.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday Photo Hunt ~Zoom~

This is Mika's first visit to the dog beach. She loved it and she loves water. Here I tried to get a good running shot as she zoomed down the beach....but she zoomed too fast!

Tucker out late Australian Shepherd would run in our side yard (which is 2 1/2 empty lots) and this little boy walking with his mother said "look mom it's the zoomy dog" so that's what gave me the idea to get a shot of our new dog for the "zoom" photo!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

SkyWatch Friday - Sunset on Sarasota Bay

It's been awhile since I have posted to SkyWatch Friday, not that I haven't had any sky photos to post, I just thought you'd like to see something other than sunset photos....and even though this is another sunset pic it is not over the Gulf of Mexico is is taken at my aunt and uncles in Bradenton, Florida looking over Sarasota Bay at Longboat Key, Florida.
Taken at Christmas the sky was amazing....
...and the sky was always changing...the colors were stunning. calm and was hard to look away!

If you want to see more skies from around the globe check out SkyWatch Friday.