Friday, August 19, 2011

Photo Hunt - Drink

This week's Saturday Photo Hunt is - Drink-

I have many "drink" photos from my The Tiny Skillet blog, some unusual, some festive, some traditional, some international. I chose this one because...well it is a pretty "drink" but also if you notice in the background my dog is getting a "drink" as well. He always did like to "drink" from the pool!

The DRINK is agua-de-flor-de-jamaica-hibiscus-tea a fun and tasty treat!


  1. Love your choice drink - the colour is nice. What kind of drink is this? Looks yum.
    Gotcha, doggie! My dog in my other blog (My Dogspot)has a different preference for a drink.

    Sreisaat Adventures

  2. Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe - thanks, it was fun!

    Sreisaat - Oops I forgot to mention what the drink was...I'll fix that. It is Hibiscus tea. Now I'm off to visit your dogspot!

  3. Hibiscus tea on ice by the pool - I'd love to have that right now. :)

  4. Make mine wine, Cheers!

    be happy and well, Lyndsey


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